
The picturesque town of Paraty lies between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The town is bathed by the sea and surrounded by islands and bays. During Portuguese rule, Paraty was an important port. Here the gold and silver coming down the ‘gold’ road was shipped to Lisbon.

Thanks to the gold export, Paraty was once one of the largest ports in the world. Frequent pirate attacks, however, meant that the port became less secure and attractive for shippers. Today, Paraty still supplies sugar cane to Europe, the ingredient from which Cachaça is distilled. Cachaça is the main ingredient of the delicious Brazilian cocktail ‘Caipirinha’.

Many houses date back to the colonial era. The streets have kept their traditional shape and many buildings already existed in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is a favorite destination for the inhabitants of São Paulo and a cultural monument under the protection of UNESCO.

Paraty is a beautiful place to spend a few days and can be used as the starting point for boat trips to the surrounding paradisiacal islands.